Monday, July 26, 2010

Im Lorine and im looking for a male or female who would consider being like in a duo type group with me...someone with a unique sound and style and can maybe play an instrument like any type of guitar drums violin or piano or even rap...anyone interested?? im dead serious. If interested comment this.

1 comment:

  1. heyy thanx for the comment
    im loving ur blog
    its hott
    ima definetly follow you...plz return the favor
    and i dont play any intruments...i do make beats on my keyboard tho...and im a poet/ i do alot of writing..if you ever need me to right something for you then i'll be happy to do so

    much love


Who We Are .

My photo
We are Lorine and Wilglory. This is out official blog. Basically what is on here is a bunch of stuff that we consider dope. So check out everything. You may even find somethings that you've never seen or songs that you've never heard. Don't forget to leave your comments. Tell us what you wanna see and we will post it up. Anything from photography to comedy, we are going to put it up. Enjoy! =D