Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Valor Candy .

This guy is Absolutely Amazing. He's so great.I had to captilize the A in absolute and amazing.lol.Yeah ,thats right.He's got plenty of ambition and I've been following his blog since the begining last summer .His new line of watches called Valor Candy are coming out soon and can be brought HERE . I HAVE to own a PINK valor candy watch.Regardless of what happens.lol.Check out his blog at HERE.


So DOPE,So Beautiful.
x0x0-LorineandWilglory .

1 comment:

  1. aww thanks for the post!!
    I hope you like the watches when they come out!


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We are Lorine and Wilglory. This is out official blog. Basically what is on here is a bunch of stuff that we consider dope. So check out everything. You may even find somethings that you've never seen or songs that you've never heard. Don't forget to leave your comments. Tell us what you wanna see and we will post it up. Anything from photography to comedy, we are going to put it up. Enjoy! =D